I said it was pouring rain! View out the windshield!
"See Ruby Falls" almost did not make it into my pix. I love the barn advertising in the south.
Lastly, a glimpse of our barn as we pull into the driveway. The rain had stopped, the sun was trying to peek, and our barn gave me warm greetings of home. Our barn is over a 100 years old, and has housed cattle, mules, and currently horses. We have raised many colts, baby ducks, chicks, kittens, and puppies here, and with a loft the size of a basketball court, we have raised and stored hundreds of bales of hay. Nothing like a good ol' country barn.
I love old barns. So many of my childhood memories were filled with fun times in the hayloft swinging over the hay...making what I know now could have killed me...tunnels, gasp...Lord knows they could have caved in and smothered the life out of me lol and finding kittens up in the loft. From one farm girl to another.